Study 2a: Improving the health reception of young refugees in the Nordic countries

Health reception encompasses the assessment of newly arrived young refugees’ somatic and psychosocial well being, but also opportunities related to the term citizen shaping, e.g. introducing health systems, education and other health promoting activities ultimately to facilitate integration after residence has been given. However, at present we know little about the outcomes and consequences of policies and practices regarding the health reception of refugees.

Aims of the study: To examine and compare reception policies and practices within the Nordic countries.

Main research questions:  i) what are policies and practices regarding the health care reception of refugee children in the Nordic countries; ii) what is the health status and needs of refugee children upon arrival; iii) what are the coordination mechanisms in play when transferring children from reception systems to resettlement; iv) how do health care professionals, parents and their children perceive existing health assessments and what measures would increase their usefulness.

Methods: The study is based on a mix-methods approach and involves cross-national comparisons.

Researchers: Marie Nørredam (Study Coordinator), Morten Skovdal, Henry Ascher and Amina Barghadouch.

For more information about this study, please contact study coordinator Marie Nørredam